Central African Republic - 17 Prefectures Map (3D + Pre-Rendered Images)
Geo Nodes modifiers:
Single Extrusion Effect Value:
- Refer to Tooltip in modifier
Multiple Extrusion Effect Value:
- Refer to Tooltip in modifier
# Switch between Single Extrusion or Multiple Extrusion from "Scenes" at Top Right
Hide or Unhide name in Name Size:
- Default value = 1
- Hide name value = 0
Setup render output in Compositing tab:
- Go to "Compositing" tab
- Select "File Output"
- Select "Base Path" folder icon to choose a desired directory for render output
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png regions canton 3d governorate worldmap departments municipality counties cities districts citi Obj gltf islands administrative-division map communes parishes world map Central Africa fbx provinces States glb SVG The Central African Republic 3D Map