Fast Modifier

by EBTRR in Addons

Fast Modifier is an Addon that helps you apply Modifiers for multiple selected objects and add your most-used modifiers to the Active Object.




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You can change the default Modifier and Shortcuts for this Addon in Addon Preferences.


Pressing E while one Object is selected, you can apply all Modifiers, the first or last Modifier.

If you apply the last modifier, it will change your original Modifier design.


Pressing E while multiple Objects are selected with an Active Object, you can apply for all selected Objects all Modifiers, the first or last Modifier or only for the Active Object.


Pressing Shift + E independent of one or multiple Objects selected, you can add one of your six chosen Modifiers to your Object.



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1 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
License GPL
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