Frameit Pro
- After downloading file go to Blender Preferences
- Press Install
- Search it on Mesh section in addons and activate
That’s all… Enjoy it.
You’ll find FrameIt both in Object Mode under Add->Mesh->FrameIt and in Edit Mode under Add->FrameIt.
Blender Operator GUI- Frame Size: width of the frame
- Frame Depth: depth of the frame
- Frame Offset: position of element normally to face.
- Frame Max Angle: angle between polygons for frame creation
- Max Angle 60°
- Max Angle 0°
- Frame Bevel –> Bevel Offset: When Global Level is uncecked you can choose bevel offset for frame element.
- Mullions Size: width of the mullions
- Mullions Depth: depth of the mullions
- Mullions Offset: position of element normally to face
- Mullions Bevel –> Bevel Offset: When Global Level is uncecked you can choose bevel offset for mullions.
- Panel Depth: depth of the panels
- Panels Offset: position of element normally to face
- Panels Bevel –> Bevel Offset: When Global Level is uncecked you can choose bevel offset for panels.
- Global Bevel: choose if apply an unique bevel offset value for all elements at once, or specify single values in each section of GUI.
Bevel Offset: bevel value applied to Modifier.
All frame, mullions and panels are parented to an Empty named Assembly.
Depth and Bevel are applied as modifiers, so you can change them later.
- Preserve Original Object: if checked original geometry is preserved.
If not checked there will be two cases:
1. whole geometry selected-> original object deleted
2. partial polygons selection-> only delected polygons of original object are deleted - Materials: this option will create a default material for each element of assemby (frame, mullions and panels).
- Reuse Default Materials: if checked new executions of plugin will not generate new sets of materials.
If you want to apply independent materials to many frames uncheck this option
Apply Bevel on a large number of faces could freeze or crash Blender. If you think is the case apply FrameIt first on a low poly mesh. Values are stored by Blender tool operator while shutting Blender.
Other infos here.
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