Geometry Nodes Belt Generators

by Studio Roel Deden in Modifier Setups

With this procedural belt generator you get a nodegroup that creates a belt with two wheels and a nodegroupw with an infinite amount of wheels that both work slightly different. The wheel size, distance, amount and speed can dynamically be changed and the wheels and elements on the belt can be your own meshes to be fully customizable.

Step 1

Append the geometry with the geometry nodes attatched, Pull it from your asset library or on windows, copy and paste the geometry to your project.

Step 2
Go into "Edit mode" and drag the vertices to where you need them. Add more vertices to add more wheels.

Step 3
Adjust the parametres to adjust the style of the belt. Make sure to name the "UV" and "Speed" parameter outputs correctly to get the mapping of the materials right.

Version 1.1
August 5, 2022
Element transform parameters
Minor bug fixes

Version 1.0
March 5, 2022


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1 ratings
Published almost 3 years ago
Software Version 3.6
License Royalty Free
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Generator nodegroup belt geometry nodes blender procedural