Hardops 00987: Francium

by TeamC in Addons

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 5 from 50 ratings by the community.

  • Matías Cajal
    almost 5 years ago

    Excellent. Definitely is a must-buy add on. Highly recommended to use with Box Cutter.

  • Carl Erik Tengesdal
    almost 5 years ago

    The hard surface monster-addon! love this thing to death. :) Keep it coming TeamC!

  • chocoice
    almost 5 years ago

    I felt it when I updated it today (hops 00984 Thulium)
    oh my god...
    It's worth more than the amount paid
    your best

  • moontan
    about 5 years ago

    i would get my money's worth if i was getting it only for the general workflow enhancement.
    but it can do so much more.
    in fact, it'll do everything basically except let you order pizza.

    oh, wait a minute... lol ;)

  • Sascha Uncia
    about 5 years ago

    Currently learning to model with HardOps and BoxCutter, and they are awesome! Keep up the great work ♥

  • G. Nakai
    over 5 years ago

    The essential tool for your hardsurface and sci-fi stuff model for Blender.
    It only takes a short while to learn but when you start to get hang with it, the payoff is modeling GOD mode modeling (depends on user skills).

  • Goncalo Pereira
    over 5 years ago

    cant work without it anymore!

  • griantalamonti
    over 5 years ago

    Do you know blender? If yes, then you need Hardops. Simply that ;)

  • Christian Skjutare
    over 5 years ago


    In truth just a the creater continously states this does nothing new, just SO much faster and easier. You can avhieve the same effects as this tool on your own. However it will take you at least 3 times longer, usually more like 5. And that is if you know what you are doing. For a beginner that wants to be able to create while ideas are fresh in the mind i cannot recommend this to much. Just you beginners not forget to learn what the meaning of the tools actually are, it makes things so easy that it might actually halt your learning. And for you experienced ones how about cutting down on all that tedious clicking. Let this tool work and not your r.s.i. acing fingers joints ;)

    Highly recommended.

  • Andy
    almost 6 years ago

    Hard-Ops is an incredible add-on. If you are creating any kind. (and I do mean Any kind) of hard surface models, H-O is must buy.
    H-O is from the same dev/s that created the incredible "Box-Cutter"
    And just like BC, Hard-Ops is equally as comprehensive, with the "grow with you depth." in its options. And will increase your hard surface workflow tenfold.

    Again, Like with my BC review. I urged anyone looking at Hard ops, to do You-tube searches, for either of these. Or better yet try typing in "Box-Cutter, and Hard-Ops,"
    And get your "Just take my money, I really need these tools- clicking finger ready."

    Service- I had a question, and I contacted the developer, And was blown away by the effort he put into helping me achieve above and beyond what I asked.
    So the service of the Dev is on the same level as the incredible products.
    Cant ask for any more than that.
    There are some amazing add-ons available. When it comes to hard surface modelling / manipulation, both this, and Hard-Ops are at the top of the pile.
    Thank you to the dev.

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Sales 8400+
50 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 9 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.1, 4.0, 3.6
License GPL