Procedural Animated Fire & Smoke Materials š„
Procedural Animated Fire & Smoke Materials created with Blender. š„
Node Groups:
The materials are created as custom node
groups. The node groups have many customizable settings, like the scale,
color, detail, distortion, animated value, and more!
Rendering Engine:
These materials are designed for the Cycles
rendering engine. They do not work well in Eevee. The materials are also using Displacements, which only work in Cycles. So using Cycles is recommended.
ā Procedural Fire and Smoke Blender File
ā Campfire Blender File
ā Campfire Final Rendered Image
ā Campfire Final Animation
ā Fire and Smoke Rendered Animation
ā Procedural Gardening Soil Files
ā Procedural Stone Material Files
ā 2 Sound Effects
ā Campfire File Texture Maps
ā HDRI Lighting
Check out my Ultimate Procedural Material Pack.
If you'd like to learn how to create these materials yourself, I created a tutorial on my YouTube channel on how to make these materials. Watch the tutorial here:
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