This item has an average rating of 4 from 35 ratings by the community.
Elkanah Hoch
over 3 years ago
Great addon!
over 3 years ago
Great addon, huge time saver.
over 3 years ago
Absolutely "Must Have" addon for Blender and RizomUV users. Greatly helps to speed up the process! If you find any errors in the model while unwrapping, it's so easy and fast to bring it back to Blender, fix the error and export back again to RizomUV. Just a few clicks and you're done.
Fedor Losev
almost 4 years ago
Rizom fits me much more than any addon for Blender.
This Bridge works as expected!
almost 4 years ago
good add-on good author,
work perfectly in blender 2.91
almost 4 years ago
This helps me a lot!!!
almost 4 years ago
Max Derksen
about 4 years ago
Good! ;)
about 4 years ago
I have Blender 2.9 with RizomUV 2020. Works nice. Thank you for the great addon!
over 4 years ago
I am using Blender 2.90 along with Rizom 2020. No problems at all with this addon - it works great, and saves me having to export and import my meshes. Really really good and worth the price.
If you use Rizom, then this is essential; my workflow has definitely improved.
The only thing i would say is that the default setting for this would mean all edges were split when Rizom opened - i found the option to turn this off. Not sure why this was the default option, but easily sorted.