Robocrab Full Process Tutorial
Hello everyone.
Im ZIA BAHRANI, creator of robocrab.
Im very glad for being togheter in this course and hope you like it.
This course preapared for somones beginners and who that familiar to blender and substance painter.
This idea for robocrab modeling is from my friend Instagram page bensmatt9090 As a robocrab physical creator with below address.
I start modeling this project with charging blender with essential addons.
I import human scale avatar to better modeling with right scale.
After modeling I imported the model to Rizom unfold software as a strongest unwarp software.
And after saving the unwarped model, I imported that to substance painter for texturing and at the end I rendered model with marmoset toolbag4 as a excellent realtime motor render.
Im very eager to see your results.
(modeling- texturing- rendering)
modeling in blender sofrware
polygon modeling
clean topology
unwarping in rizom unfold
standard uv packing
texturing in substance painter
metal-rough workflow
rendering in marmoset toolbag
post production in photoshop
easy to follow
comprehensible workflow
real time(without narrator)
without any fastforward