This item has an average rating of 5 from 4 ratings by the community.
6 months ago
Worth every penny! Would have paid at least 5 times that :P
Randy Quaiscer
about 4 years ago
How could you not buy it. I've seen same quality priced for 10 on a different website, author is a mad man but super helpful. 1 dollar people. For someone on, at times a super tight budget. But I also enjoy fine work of others as well getting concepts going. This is high quality.
There should be a tip option. I feel like I've stolen from him lol
Kless Gyzen
about 4 years ago
:) glad you like them and they can be of use.
about 4 years ago
Well worth the money, and excellent product, I can only hope more will come.
And if your reading this and have not purchased already you should, these are some fine quality rocks..
Kless Gyzen
about 4 years ago
Thank you for the kind words, definitely more on the way.