This item has an average rating of 5 from 3 ratings by the community.
7 months ago
After a bit of experience with other photogrammetry programs, I tried Snapmesh and I am very pleased. It is fast and easy to use, and works very well on my Mac with Ventura and Blender 4.1 as well as Blender 3.4. I use it for personal projects. My primary intent is to make meshes on Blender for 3d editing and printing of small objects, such as bespoke chinrests and shoulder rests for violins.
Ennio Pirolo
7 months ago
Hey thanks a lot for the review! <3
over 1 year ago
I made a photogrammetry with only 16 cameras and the result was amazing!!! please can you add a batch export function? great job!
Ennio Pirolo
over 1 year ago
Hey, thanks! Batch export is in the working and I'll probably ship with the next update :)