Star Wars Imperial Tie Fighter
There are eight separate objects in a single collection including an empty to act a central pivot. 63,720 actual vertices and 52,178 faces. Including the subdivision surface and bevel modifiers there are 400,912 vertices and 472,482 faces.
Materials and Textures
The model is divided into three primary PBR materials - the main fuselage (including the hatch, interior and window frames), the wings (including some details on the main fuselage) and the pilot. Each material has a base colour, metallic, specular, roughness and normal maps. The fuselage and wing maps are 4k, the pilot materials are 2k. The fuselage also has a 2k emission map for the interior control panels.
The cockpit windows have a basic glass material. The engine exhaust object has a simple emission material (use a glare node in compositing to add a glow).
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roughness-map 4Ktextures space sci fi tie-fighter bcon22 metal-map PBR tiefighter specular map vehicle emission-map color map normal map star wars