The Helicopter Mi-35 (With Animation)
The MI-35 helicopter is a tandem two-seat attack helicopter developed by the Mil Helicopters Design Bureau. It is a modified version of the Mi-24 helicopter and has been equipped by the Russian Army Air Corps since 2004.
- Geometry ( file format : 1 packed Blender file / 1 obj format file / 1 fbx format file )
Verts : 40,315 / Faces : 77,972 ( when Subdivision Surface turn off )
The model includes a simple takeoff and landing animation .
The propellers , machine gun and head monitor can be rotated for animation .
- Textures ( Texture folder also packed to a ZIP file )
4K maps x 7 ( BaseColor, Roughness, Metalness, Normal , Height)
Rendering have been adjusted both with EEVEE and CYCLE
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