Animated Title Overlays & Lower Thirds
Enjoy the simple and stylish overlay titles and lower thirds motion graphics for your video productions. They've been crafted to not be overwhelming or intruding to the viewer, since when things are too fancy, it takes away their attention from the video and steers them towards irritation land.
This pack contains
- 1 tutorial for use of assets
- 10 lower thirds & 4 variations of YouTube call to action
- Fast renders
- Blender (it's free!)
- Basic following of the tutorial
With this not only will you earn the viewers' glances, but will spike their curiosity to check out that website or the message of the day.
Full control is in your hands in regards to font, colors, length of the animation, and if you're more advanced with Blender, shapes and additional elements.
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simple titles lower-thirds lower third blender lower thirds animated titles lower-3rds animated titles for blender titles overlays for youtube videos