Vertex Group Collections

by Inlet in Addons

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This item has an average rating of 3 from 2 ratings by the community.

  • Christoffer Evensen
    10 months ago

    Absolutely broken. Vertex groups suddenly appear in the wrong collections, some groups disappear entirely, and some suddenly merge with other groups. Great potential as a tool, but unusable right now.

    • Markovas

      10 months ago

      I ran a test and the addon works as shown. Folders disappearing can happen when you put a folder within a child folder, or when putting a folder within itself, but that can be easily undone. Here’s a recent test on Blender 4.0 –

      For such issues do reach out directly, Christoffer, so your problem can be looked into, whether it’s a tip on how to use the addon or an actual bug that needs attention. Since my recent test hasn’t shown the addon being broken, I don’t have much more to follow up on, and if you could give further more details that would be of an awesome contribution!

      Keep on grouping :)

  • hyperbolero
    over 1 year ago

    This is something I desperatly needed when I started doing more advanced things with geometry nodes on and something that really should be in by default in Blender.
    Works really well and how you would think. However you can't select multiple vertex groups at the same time like with regular vertex groups, and it makes it a bit of a hassle at the start when organizing all the weight groups. After that it is works fine.
    Another thing is more design-related, when you add a vertex group to a folder it feels a bit redundant to have the folder dropdown menu next to the group name since it takes up so much space and it should already be clear what folder it is in. I think having a "assign to folder" button under the special menu or it's own button would be better, at least if you also could select multiple at the same time.

    • Markovas

      over 1 year ago

      In default Blender I can’t select multiple vertex groups in the UI, and Vertex Group Collections doesn’t deviate from that either. (if something has been misunderstood, do reach out)

      Your design-related suggestion has been implemented, so now you can switch between 2 modes: one for easier targeting of folders, and another for extra space for vertex group names!

      Thanks for making Vertex Group Collections greater, Hyperbolero.

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Sales 20+
2 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published almost 2 years ago
Software Version 4.2, 4.0, 3.6, 3.5, 3.4, 3.3, 3.2, 3.1, 3.0, 2.93, 2.83
License GPL
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vertex group shape keys folder-structure vertex groups