Inkwood 2.0 - Ink Drawing Shader Pack

by Darth Shader in Surfacing

Item Rating

This item has an average rating of 4 from 12 ratings by the community.

  • Jevpro
    7 months ago

    It looks interesting. However, I bought the add-on last year and I've never been able to use it as it is not compatible with Blender 4.

  • Wassim
    7 months ago

    We love the Inkwood Stylized Shader for its unique and vibrant aesthetic. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be compatible with newer Blender versions. An update for compatibility would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for the great tool!

  • laura
    about 1 year ago

    Despite all the documentation, I couldnt get it to install even with suggested plugin, which is fustrating and it dosent seam to be updated to run on newer verisons of blender. Either if they could change it to be instalable in the "asset libary" like other shaders would actually be of pratical use.

    • Matěj Šak

      about 1 year ago

      Hello, I'm sorry to hear about these problems. DarthMan was an old solution, I'll convert the shaders to 4.0, and to Asset Browser in the upcoming update.

      Matěj (Darth Shader)

  • brent3d
    almost 2 years ago

    Love the inkwood stylized shader, very handy.

    • Matěj Šak

      about 1 year ago

      Thank you very much! :)

  • zincr0
    about 2 years ago

    Awesome, probably the best ink/pencil-draw like materials in the entire blendermarket. I could ask for some more patterns but it is still awesome just as it is.

    • Matěj Šak

      about 2 years ago

      Thank you for the kind words! :) Inkwood works great so far, so I'm planning to create some more ink shaders/patterns for an upcoming free update! If you have any preferences / favorite comic artists and so on, please, contact me via Blender Market chat or email, so I can start gathering inspiration.

  • Collin Colson
    over 2 years ago

    I love this shader! The Goodpoint shader is a great stipple shader, and you can add object info and white noise nodes to make it generate a random seed... great for animations!

    • Matěj Šak

      about 2 years ago

      Haha yeah, thanks! Animation is a tricky task with this kind of shaders, but if you break the uniformity of the stylized texture mapping, you can get pretty amazing results. If you have something nice to show, don't hesitate and contact me via email :)

  • Alessandro
    over 2 years ago

    Fantastic shader, because of some technical issues I cannot enjoy its full potential, it is nonetheless a great looking shader and very performative. Dev is supportive and his other shaders are fantastic.

    • Matěj Šak

      about 2 years ago

      Hello, thanks for this honest review, I'm working on resolving all technical issues, and some new shaders for an upcoming update.

  • James
    over 3 years ago

    Really enjoying this so far! Just have to figure out how to dial in the Waterink look. Any tips for that would be great!

    • Matěj Šak

      over 3 years ago

      Hi James! Thanks a lot, it's great to hear that you enjoy the shaders! We can discuss this in a private message, and then I'll add this topic to the FAQ section/documentation, so everyone can get comfortable with Waterink more easily.

  • Remi Turcotte
    over 3 years ago

    Awesome! just got it and played around with it, looking forward to experiment more using this!

    • Matěj Šak

      about 2 years ago

      Thanks, Remi, don't hesitate to send me anything great you created via email!

  • Bassem
    about 4 years ago

    Epic, this is legit something I was looking for and never found till now.

    • Matěj Šak

      about 2 years ago

      Oh yeah, thanks a lot Bassem! :)

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Sales 1600+
12 ratings
Dev Fund Contributor
Published over 4 years ago
Software Version 2.8, 2.81, 2.82, 2.83, 2.9, 2.91, 2.92, 2.93, 3.0, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4
License Royalty Free