Moon Landscapes Asset Pack
This Asset Pack Contains a total of 10 unique Moon Landscape Meshes which include the following:
• 3 Craters
• 4 Mountains
• 3 Flat Fields
This PDF is included for individual asset sales as well*
Al Files in this Pack Are Labeled Accordingly:
Files: Moon_{Type}_{#}
i.e.- "MoonCrater3" or “C3” Textures: {Mesh Scale abbreviated}{#}_{Texture Type}_4K i.e.- "C3 Albedo 8K"
Uassets:T - "Texture" M = "Material" MI = "Material Instance" SM = "Static Mesh'
Each Asset in this pack includes the following file formats.
• Blend
• .Uasset
• .FBX
• Png
File Formats
- .Blend is Blenders native file format and everything has been packed into this file as well as a custom material setup to make the most of the textures (Recommended File)
- .Uasset are Unreal Assets that need to be imported into your Unreal Project ( Learn how on page 7 )
- .Fbx - These files are meant for any 3D Program and allow you to use this pack in other programs such as Cinema4D, Maya, Unity, Etc.
- .Png - All Textures that Are included will be in png format to maximize quality and detail.
• Pack Contains 1 LOD however this is the highest quality LOD and can be optimized further with a decimate modifier to create your own LODs.
Each mesh is based on a size of 5,000 - 5,000 km but can be scaled to fit any scene to meet your needs.
Color, Normal, 3 CC0 Rock Textures for the Procedural Moon Shader
Additional FAQs and Guides are provided in the accompanying PDF upon download.
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