Steel Asset Package
The steel containers assets, provided by Yttrium Art, is a modern-to-industrial age array of containers you can use for games and cinematic.
Models are in quads
See Table below for polycount specifics
Steel Assets Verts Faces Tris
Blow Torch 3184 5990 5990
Fuel Tank 1 (Type A) 2485 4934 4934
Fuel Tank 2 (Type B) 1835 3650 3650
Pressure Tank 4848 8928 8928
Propane Tank A 3784 7478 7478
Steel Barrel 1 (Type A) 6125 11784 11784
Steel Barrel 2 (Type B) 3432 6772 6772
Steel Barrel 3 (Type C) 4960 9480 9480
Steel Bucket 3336 6536 6536
Total 33989 65552 65552
Textures in Blender are only in 4K.
Textures in Unreal Engine and Unity are detailed into 4096, 2048, 1024, 512.
.PNG Format
Materials are PBR-Ready
File Formats Included
Integration to Software
3D Applications
There are many ways to import, depending on software. Covered here is Blender, because, BlenderMarket.
For direct access, you may open the SteelAssets.blend file. Everything is packed.
For Importing .obj, File->Import->Wavefront(.obj). Then add new material, then locate and apply the four source textures to that material (Base Color, Metallic, Normal, Roughness). For more information, see
For importing everything from SteelAssets.blend file to yours, you may Link or Append. Link creates a “reference” of this asset blend file into your desired blender file, while append hard copies them.
How we’d like to do it: File-> Link/Append -> SteelAssets.blend -> Collections -> SteelAssets
Unreal Engine
Have your UE project file ready. You may open it.
Locate its directory; as we will be importing there.
Search for “Content” folder within your project directory.
Extract a selection (or all of) the archive files here into the Content folder. You will be expecting folder(s) containing the respective assets.
If your UE Project file is already open, wait a few seconds for the assets. They should load as well in the “Content” toolbar of your UE project.
Open your Unity project.
Extract the downloaded file. No specific location to extract to, just keep organized.
In Unity, under Assets (lower area of screen), Right-Click, Import Custom Package.
Select a unity package amongst the assets you recently extracted, and Open.
Wait a few seconds for decompression. Once done, a pop-up list will appear.
Check all in the list and import
Wait a few more seconds for the assets to load.
You may use this for whatever projects you see fit. As this is an ongoing documentation, we wish to improve our services as well, so please do let us know of any bugs we may be able to fix. Please continue to support the 3D/CGI Industry.
For custom asset requests, feel free to drop us a message at [email protected].