This item has an average rating of 4 from 35 ratings by the community.
over 4 years ago
Awesome addon, the best bridge that I saw
over 4 years ago
Author was very quick to respond to my question, works well for me on windows.
over 4 years ago
Great addon!
over 4 years ago
Not intuitive and doesn't work for me at all, unfortunately. Hope in future it will become less robust and more userfriendly. I've installed latest version of Rizom and Blender, but for some reazon those things are not working together. It's not my first attempt to start using this plugin, but every time i have some different issues and i have feeling that this tool not working at all
Matthew Ashpole
over 4 years ago
What problems are you having exactly? If you contact me with your error logs I'll be happy to look into it for you.
over 4 years ago
Osom addon, though it has some issues working with UV sets. Already contacted the author. Waiting for reply.
Matthew Ashpole
over 4 years ago
Thank you for the rating and your detailed issue report, it made it much easier to fix the problem.